8 Tips to higher response rates
One of the most important questions we get asked is “How do I get people to send videos through?”
Start small
Don't overcomplicate your first project. For the best success, keep things relatively small and try a test project with close colleagues or friends
Think about your audience. What would encourage or help give people a reason to submit videos. Free products, prizes, complimentary services, gift certificates, vouchers, financial incentives.... you name it! Incentives are the easiest way to encourage your contributors to record and upload a video for you
We all love a bit of pressure and what better way to make people stop putting off uploading a video, than with a deadline. Give people time to record but not too much time that they never do it. 2 weeks is a good starting point for most projects, as you're only asking for 5-10 minutes of your contributor's time. From there, you can extend the time as needed

Not everyone reads something once and jumps on it. After all, you are busy and so are your contributor's. This is where reminders keep your project fresh in peoples minds. Aim to send at least one to two quick reminders about your original video request.
Ask before sending the link
Like anything you want, it's best to ask first. Reach out to your best customers and to those you have great relationships with to see if they are willing to do record a video for you before you actually send the link over. This often drives a higher response rate as your contributors have already agreed to record the video in advance.
Add a welcome video
You can record a short welcome video message to personalise your contributor's experience and help give them an example of what they need to do. We recommend a quick intro and a thank you, no more than 30 seconds. Check out more tips for making a great welcome video here

Include clear instructions
Make it as easy as possible for your contributors to know exactly what you need them to do. Provide clear steps in your outreach and write a great landing page using our tips here, making it as simple as you can for contributors to follow
Add featured videos
What better way to help people than to give them examples of what they need to do. By featuring a few videos, they will appear on your landing page and allow contributors to see what others are doing and gain inspiration.

Bonus: A sample email sequence
The following email sequence is one that many of our customers have used and seen great success, The first email is a pre-ask, thanking contributors for being loyal customers and asking them to record a video. The second email includes the link to invite your contributor's to upload their previously recorded video. The third email is a gentle reminder.
Adapt this sequence to fit your needs and fire away
Email #1 Pre-ask
Thanks so much for being an amazing customer.
Would you be able to record a short video for us? We're using a platform called Vloggi to collect the video, so it should take 5- to minutes of your time and can be easily done from your phone.
Let me know if you’re open to this and I'll send through the link.
Thanks so much
Email #2 Invitation
Thanks so much in advance for recording a video for us. We really appreciate it, and are excited to share your content with our community.
Here’s the link to the Vloggi landing page: (paste your link here)
It should take 5-10 minutes and here are a couple of tips for recording your video:
- Pick a quiet and well-lit place
- Hold the phone horizontally
- Look directly at the camera
- Relax and be yourself - you’ll do great!
Let me know if you have any questions and thanks again
Email #3 Reminder
Just a friendly bump to the top of your inbox to see if you might be able to set 5-10 minutes aside to record a video for us. Thanks so much
Here’s a link to the Vloggi collector which includes and the information you need to record your video: (paste your link here)