How to build a powerful advocacy campaign with community video

Updated by Marijana

Community video is a powerful tool to tell your story and build awareness about an issue.

It can be used for advocacy campaigns, community organizing, social movements, and more. We’ve outlined four steps to help you plan a community video campaign that will engage your audience and achieve the results you want.

Step 1: Using video stories to build awareness around issues

Step 2: Gathering your community video stories from around the world

Step 3: Creating an inspiring community video

Step 4: Maximizing advocacy campaign with community video

Step 5: Creating a community video advocacy campaign

1. Using Video Stories To Build Awareness Around Issues

Community video is used by many organizations to tell their story about issues they are passionate about — from LGBTQI rights, to climate change, or even just how to make tacos! When it comes time to shoot these videos there are two main approaches either documentary-style interviews with members of the organization passing along or even just telling your personal story. This blog post will explore how you can use community video storytelling to maximize your advocacy campaign!

Documentary-style interviews involve having the organization’s members tell their personal stories about how they have been personally affected by the issue. This approach is great for building awareness, but a little more challenging as it’s hard to tell the organization’s story in a short video if they are not directly involved.

– This approach is great for building awareness, but it can be challenging as it’s hard to tell the organization’s story without them being personally affected

– If you’re looking for an advocacy campaign that will have a more direct impact on your issue then community video storytelling may be what you need!

Community Video Storytelling: how does this work? With community videos, people from all walks of life come together and share their personal stories about issues that deeply affect them such as mental health care or environmental protection. Audiences can build empathy through these narratives which connect a viewer with those who might feel isolated by those in different circumstances. The second approach of community video storytelling involves telling your personal story and sharing more about what you do in an advocacy campaign with others who may not know much at all on this topic.

2. Gathering Your Community Video Stories From Around The World  

With a community video project, it can be really helpful if you are gathering video content from people around the world as well! No matter where someone lives in the city, in a rural community, or somewhere else they can share their personal story to help you better understand what is happening.

3. Creating an Inspiring Community Video  

We’ve talked about how people might create videos that are more than just one person talking and we want now to discuss “what if someone wants to put together clips from different people?” That would involve editing video footage on your computer with software like Final Cut Pro X (not free) which has tutorials for beginners or Animoto which lets anyone make professional-looking video slideshows. Vloggi offers an all-one-in platform to collect these advocacy videos, caption them, add music, brand them if required, and export them into HD quality video.

4. Maximizing Advocacy Campaign with Community Video.

We believe that the power of storytelling through community videos will only increase as we see more and more people using them effectively to drive change in their communities or online. How you use these stories depends on your goals, but think about a few questions like “What specific issue am I trying to address?”; “How should this video be framed so that my audience understands what I want them to take away from watching it?”; and “What do I hope viewers would feel after they watch my video?”. It’s important to make the community the most important storyteller.

5. Creating a community video advocacy campaign.

One of the best ways to use community videos is when you want people who have seen your story through media coverage or on social media, but haven’t yet taken action in response to it. In these cases, we recommend telling a different side of the issue by getting a member from that group to speak for themselves and tell their own personal narrative about what they deal with every day because of this problem – like how this impacts them personally in any way possible.

Getting your community video advocacy campaigns out there

Once you have created your videos, the next stage is getting audience reach.

The more people that see it, the greater potential for change! But building up public opinion around an issue isn’t just about posting content online – it also includes making compelling materials (e.g., infographics) or organising online events (e.g., rallies). Along with creating complementary advocacy materials for people who are not on social media (e.g., printable posters) so they can help spread awareness about your cause.

After you create a video, and publish it on YouTube or Facebook is time to start the community engagement process. This often includes creating complementary advocacy materials for people who are not on social media (e.g., printable posters) so they can help spread awareness about your issue offline too. Another way that might be more effective in some places is going door-to-door with these videos and talking to people directly, using this project as an opportunity to engage new members of your community.”

Statistics you can’t ignore

Whilst it’s easy to say you won’t do community video because its too hard, or perhaps next year, or maybe even on your next marketing campaign, you have to remeber the alarming statistics about video and how it can help your cause.

  • As of 2020, 83.3% of internet users in the US accessed digital  video content  (Statista)
  • 78% of people watch online videos every week, and 55% view online videos every day. In fact, that 54% of consumers want to see more video content this year (Social Media Week)
  • Studies show that  54%  of consumers want to see  more video content  from a brand or business they support (HubSpot, 2018)

What are the keys to success for our customer’s best advocacy campaigns?

A good campaign will ideally have three key pieces running concurrently – building up public opinion around the issues at hand; mobilising grassroots support through increased visibility for those impacted; and pressuring or lobbying decision-makers.

If you’re an industry association, not-for profit or campaigning organisation, then you have a deep reserve of passionate supporters. Use them to further your cause or issue! Easily create an online advocacy video with Vloggi and engage this network for greater success in spreading the word about what’s important to you.

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