What does all the video clip terminology mean?

Updated by Tarryn Myburgh

What is a video clip?

Video clips are the videos submitted by your contributors. When you send your link out to your audience, via an email marketing campaign for example, they will submit videos to the link. These videos will appear as video clips in your video library under the ‘manage’ tab.

What is the video clip layout designer? 

This design will appear on all video clips submitted as an overlay. Everything from logos and text, to dynamic elements.

What’s the difference between static and dynamic elements?

Static elements are elements where the content will always appear exactly the same on all video clips. Compared to dynamic elements, where the content filled in will depend on what your contributors fill in when submitting their clips. For example, when Lauren Jones submits a clip to your project, ‘contributor’s name’ will appear as ‘Lauren Jones’ on her clip.

Video clip layout dictionary

Static elements (elements with content appearing the same on all video clips)

Your video logo uploaded in the ‘my branding’ tab
Text Box
A box to write text in, that will appear on all video clips
A picture that you can upload

Dynamic elements (Elements with content changing based on contributor's information)

Place Name
The specific building or place the contributor’s video was taken
The general location where the contributor’s video was taken
Contributor Name
The name of the contributor submitting the video clip
Clip date and time
The time and date the contributor’s video was taken on
List Count
When creating a final video story, the order of the clips can be displayed to highlight the best videos. Eg, Best of can have the top 3 clips numbered
Prompt 1 answer
The contributor’s answer to custom prompt question 1 in data collection. (Note: Contributor’s answers are limited to 75 characters) 
Prompt 2 answer
The contributor’s answer to custom prompt question 2 in data collection. 
Prompt 3 answer
The contributor’s answer to custom prompt question 3 in data collection. 
A rating star system out of 5. Contributors can provide a rating based on what you ask them in the ‘data collection’ tab underrating. For example, rate our product out of 5

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